How to INSERT UPDATE and DELETE Records From a Table (Executing SQL Statements in Access VBA)

How to INSERT UPDATE and DELETE Records From a Table (Executing SQL Statements in Access VBA Code).

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  • Part 1 Form Design

  • Part 2 - Adding VBA Code

  • Special Part: CRUD Operations

[Source Code]

Part 2 VBA Code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub cboAccSQL_AfterUpdate()

    Call EnableTextboxes
    cmdExecute.Enabled = True
    cmdClear.Enabled = True
    Me.Requery '---DoCmd.Requery
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Explanations " & _
                     "WHERE [SQL Statement]='" & Me.cboAccSQL.Value & "';"
    Me.RecordSource = strSQL
    Forms![Command Form]!txtExplanation.ControlSource = "Explanation"
        If cboAccSQL = "INSERT" Then
        cmdExecute.Caption = "SQL INSERT"
        chkDelete.Value = 0
        chkDelete.Enabled = False
            txtID.Value = "(Auto Number)"
            txtID2.Visible = False
            txtID.Enabled = False
                txtProduct.Enabled = True
                txtQuantity.Enabled = True
                    Label1.Visible = False
                    Label2.Visible = False
        ElseIf cboAccSQL = "DELETE" Then
        cmdExecute.Caption = "SQL DELETE"
        chkDelete.Enabled = True
        chkDelete.Value = 0
            txtID.Enabled = True
                txtProduct.Value = "Disabled"
                txtQuantity.Value = "Disabled"
                txtProduct.Enabled = False
                txtQuantity.Enabled = False
        cmdExecute.Caption = "SQL UPDATE"
        chkDelete.Enabled = False
        chkDelete.Value = 0
            txtID.Enabled = True
            txtID2.Visible = False
                txtProduct.Enabled = True
                txtQuantity.Enabled = True
                    Label1.Visible = False
                    Label2.Visible = False
        End If

End Sub

Private Sub chkDelete_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub chkDelete_Click()

If Me.chkDelete.Value = -1 Then 'Checked

    Label1.Visible = True
    Label2.Visible = True
    txtID2.Visible = True


    Label1.Visible = False
    Label2.Visible = False
    txtID2.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

If IsNull(cboAccSQL) Or Len(cboAccSQL & vbNullString) = 0 Then
    Exit Sub


    Call Form_Load
    Call EnableTextboxes
    Me.cboAccSQL.Value = ""
    Label1.Visible = False
    Label2.Visible = False
    txtID2.Visible = False
    Me.Requery '---DoCmd.Requery

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdExecute_Click()

On Error GoTo ExecuteErr

If IsNull(cboAccSQL) Or Len(cboAccSQL & vbNullString) = 0 Then

    MsgBox "No SQL Statement selected, please select from the list", vbInformation, "Select SQL Command [Combo Box]"
    Call DisableTextBoxes
    cmdExecute.Enabled = False
    cmdClear.Enabled = False
    Exit Sub

    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = cboAccSQL
        Select Case strSQL
            Case Is = "INSERT"
                Call sqlInsert
            Case Is = "UPDATE"
                Call sqlUpdate
            Case Is = "DELETE"
                Call sqlDelete
            End Select
End If

    Exit Sub


    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error Number : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                        "Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Execute SQL Statement Error!"
        Resume ErrorExit
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Me.RecordSource = ""
    Forms![Command Form]!txtExplanation.ControlSource = ""
    chkDelete.Value = 0
    chkDelete.Enabled = False
    cmdExecute.Caption = "Execute Me!" '---Sorry sir!

End Sub

Private Sub DisableTextBoxes()
Dim con As Control
Dim text As TextBox
    For Each con In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf con Is TextBox Then
            Set text = con
                If Left(text.Name, 4) <> "txtE" Then
                    With text
                        .Value = ""
                        .Enabled = False
                    End With
                End If
        End If
    Next con
End Sub
Private Sub EnableTextboxes()
Dim con As Control
Dim text As TextBox
    For Each con In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf con Is TextBox Then
            Set text = con
                If Left(text.Name, 4) <> "txtE" Then
                    With text
                        .Enabled = True
                        .Value = ""
                    End With
                End If
        End If
    Next con

End Sub

'----------------------------------End Part 2

Part 3 - SQL INSERT INTO Statement

Part 3 - VBA Code

Private Sub sqlInsert()

    If IsNull(txtProduct) Or Len(txtProduct & vbNullString) = 0 Or _
        IsNull(txtQuantity) Or Len(txtQuantity & vbNullString) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the valid data for all the required fields.", vbInformation, "Information"
        Exit Sub


        If Not IsNumeric(txtQuantity) Or Int(Val(Me.txtQuantity)) <> Val(Me.txtQuantity) Then
                MsgBox "Sorry, please enter number only for the quantity field" & vbCrLf & _
                                "and decimal numbers not allowed!" & vbCrLf & _
                                "Thank you", vbCritical, "Numbers Only pls!"


            If DCount("Product", "Products", "Product = '" & txtProduct.Value & "'") > 0 Then
                Dim strProd As String
                strProd = txtProduct
                Dim msg As String
                msg = "The value already exists in the databse." & vbCrLf & _
                            "You entered a duplicate value or sequence of values that must be Unique for every records."
                MsgBox "^_^ " & strProd & " ^_^" & vbCrLf & _
                                msg, vbExclamation, "Duplicate Data!"
                Exit Sub


                Dim dbs As Database
                Set dbs = CurrentDb
                        dbs.Execute " INSERT INTO [Products] " _
                                                & "(Product,Quantity) VALUES " _
                                                & "('" & txtProduct & "', '" & txtQuantity & "');"
                        Set dbs = Nothing
                Call ReOpenTBL
            End If
        End If
    End If

End Sub

'----------------------------------End Part 3

  • Part 4 - SQL Update Statement

Part 4 VBA Code :

Private Sub sqlUpdate()

If IsNull(txtID) Or Len(txtID & vbNullString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtProduct) Or Len(txtProduct & vbNullString) = 0 Or _
   IsNull(txtQuantity) Or Len(txtQuantity & vbNullString) = 0 Then
   MsgBox "Please enter the valid data for all the required fields.", vbInformation, "Information"
   Exit Sub

    If DCount("ID", "Products", "ID = " & Forms![Command Form]!txtID) > 0 Then
        If DCount("Product", "Products", "Product = '" & txtProduct & "'") > 0 Then
            Dim Response As Integer
            Dim prod As String
            prod = txtProduct
            Response = MsgBox("^_^ " & prod & " ^_^" & vbCrLf & _
                                                "The value already exists in the database." & vbCrLf & _
                                                "only Quantity will be updated! " & " Do you wish to continue?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Duplicate data! - Continue?")
            If Response = vbYes Then
                Dim dbs As Database
                Set dbs = CurrentDb
                        dbs.Execute " UPDATE [Products] " _
                                            & "SET Quantity = '" & txtQuantity & "'" _
                                            & "WHERE ID = " & txtID & ";", dbFailOnError
                        Set dbs = Nothing
                        Call ReOpenTBL
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dim ddbs As Database
            Set ddbs = CurrentDb
                    ddbs.Execute " UPDATE [Products] " _
                                            & "SET Product = '" & txtProduct & "', Quantity = '" & txtQuantity & "'" _
                                            & "WHERE ID = " & txtID & ";", dbFailOnError
                        Set ddbs = Nothing
            Call ReOpenTBL
            MsgBox "The data have been updated!.", vbInformation, "SQL Update Results"
        End If

        MsgBox "Could not find Product ID [āđ„āļĄ่āļžāļšāļĢāļŦัāļŠāļŠิāļ™āļ„้āļēāļ—ี่āļĢāļ°āļšุāļ„āļĢัāļš]", vbInformation, "Product ID not found!"
    End If
End If

End Sub

'----------------------------------End Part 4

  • Part 5 - SQL Delete Statement

Part 5 VBA Code:

Private Sub sqlDelete()

If Me.chkDelete.Value = 0 Then '-----"Unchecked
    If IsNull(txtID) Or Len(txtID & vbNullString) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Please endter Product ID", vbInformation
        Dim proID As Integer
        proID = txtID
            If DCount("ID", "Products", "ID = " & Forms![Command Form]!txtID) > 0 Then
                Dim dbs As Database
                Set dbs = CurrentDb
                       dbs.Execute " DELETE * FROM " _
                                            & "[Products] WHERE ID = " & txtID & ";"
                       Set dbs = Nothing
                Call ReOpenTBL
                MsgBox "Cound not find Product ID: " & proID, vbInformation, "Product ID not found!."
            End If
        End If

    If IsNull(txtID) Or Len(txtID & vbNullString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtID2) Or Len(txtID2 & vbNullString) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the valid data for all the required fields. [Product ID]", vbInformation, "Information!"
        If DCount("ID", "Products", "ID Between " & Forms![Command Form]!txtID & " And " & Forms![Command Form]!txtID2) > 0 Then
            Dim dbsx As Database
                Set dbsx = CurrentDb
                       dbsx.Execute " DELETE * FROM " _
                                            & "[Products] WHERE ID Between " & txtID & " And " & txtID2 & ";"
                       Set dbsx = Nothing
                Call ReOpenTBL
            MsgBox "Could not find Product ID", vbInformation, "Sorry!, no results"
        End If
     End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReOpenTBL()
    DoCmd.Close acTable, "Products", acSavePrompt
    DoCmd.OpenTable "Products", acViewNormal, acEdit
End Sub

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Thank you very much.

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  1. Hello,
    how it will work if you want to insert, update, delete data more than one data? For example from a tempTable with 100 rows and 10 culomns. Culd be possible to select column?

  2. thank you , thank you , it is very very very good

  3. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. VBA Online Course


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