Visual C# 2015-2020 How to Create User Account Management System (Windows Forms Source Code)

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - 2019 (Visual C# Programming) - How to Create User Account Management System (UAMS) Example by iBasskung (Tanin Sangngam).

This is suitable for:
βœ… The student who is studying the C# programming language and is doing the project.
βœ… The person who starts to practice to write the program that would like the example of Source Code.
βœ… The person who is interested in writing the C# program.
βœ… The person who is interested in using the C# programming language for connecting to the MS Access Database.

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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Online Course: Master Visual Basic .NET and Access Database By Building the Point Of Sale System (POS):



C# and MS Access (UAM) 1. How to Create Tables and Relationships in Microsoft Access.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 2. Designing a Windows Forms Application.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 3. How to Connect MS Access Database to C# Application.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 4. Using Simple and Complex Data Binding in an Application.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 5. Working with ListBox and Radio Button.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 6. How to Create a Custom Auto Generated ID Number.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 7. How to insert new records into a database.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 8. How to save (insert) image in a Database.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 9. How to Delete Rows From the Database.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 10. How to Search Data in a Database.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 11. How to Update Data in Database.

C# and MS Access (UAM) 12. How to Make a TextBox AutoComplete.

(Free C# Source Code by iBasskung)


1. Class : ConnectToDatabase.cs

using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CSharpUAM.Classes
    class DbClass

        public static string sql;
        public static OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection();
        public static OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("", con);
        public static OleDbDataReader rd;
        public static DataSet ds;
        public static OleDbDataAdapter da;
        public static BindingSource bs;

        public static string GetConnectionString()
            string ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
            "Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "\\EmployeeDb.accdb;";
            return ConnectionString;

        public static void OpenConnection()
            if(con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                con.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString();

                // MessageBox.Show("The connection is " + con.State.ToString(), "Test Connection : iBasskung Tutorial", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


        public static void CloseConnection()
            if(con.State == ConnectionState.Open)

                // MessageBox.Show("The connection is " + con.State.ToString(), "Test Connection : iBasskung Tutorial", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);



2. Class : DisplayTheMessages.cs

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CSharpUAM.Classes
    class MSG
        public static string msg = string.Empty;
        public static string title = string.Empty;
        public static MessageBoxButtons btn = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
        public static MessageBoxIcon ico = MessageBoxIcon.Information;

        public static string AppTitle()
            return "iBasskung Tutorial";

        public static void SaveCompleted()
            msg = "The record has been saved.";
            title = "Insert Data : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);

        public static void UpdateCompleted()
            msg = "The record has been updated successfully.";
            title = "Update Data : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);

        public static void DeleteCompleted()
            msg = "The record has been deleted.";
            title = "Delete Data : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);

        public static void NoRowsFound()
            msg = "Sorry, No rows found.";
            title = "Result : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);

        public static void PictureBoxIsEmpty()
            msg = "The PictureBox is Empty.";
            title = "No image : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);

        public static bool IsPasswordMatch(TextBox txt1, TextBox txt2)
            return txt1.Text.Equals(txt2.Text);

        public static void PasswordNotMatch()
            msg = "Comfirm password not match.";
            title = "Data validation : " + AppTitle();
            MessageBox.Show(msg, title, btn, ico);



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Tags: visual studio 2019, visual basic 2019,, tutorial for beginners visual studio 2019, visual basic, vb, visual studio 2019 visual basic tutorial, visual studio 2019 tutorial, how to use visual studio 2019, visual basic tutorial 2019, access, visual studio

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